
About Us

Crooked teeth (malocclusion) and jaw-bones deviation (skeletal discrepancy) are closely related to the dental and facial appearance, and would potentially induce oral health issues which include tooth decay (dental caries) and ‘gum’ problem (periodontal disease).


To a greater extent, it may impair chewing function and pronunciation, and reduce the quality of life. This spectrum of problems actually covers different ages of populations: from childhood, juvenile to adult stages.


Nowadays, people’s awareness of general health and dental condition has enhanced and thanks to the advancement and breakthroughs of medical science, orthodontic treatments have become well accepted and popular.

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Orthodontic Centre

Call us: 2369 8828
Suite 1503, Hong Kong Pacific Centre, 28 Hankow Road
Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong